Hi, there.
I suppose you want to know what technologies this site implements.
- It is hosted on Google App Engine
- The UI (User Interface) is using:
- Bootstrap 5.3 & Bootstrap Icons (overall UI)
- Plyr 3.7.8 (audio player)
- FileSaver 2.0.0 (for saving file)
- The server is using NodeJS 20 with Express framework and many awesome packages
- The database is using Firestore mode
- The storage is using Google Cloud Storage
- The (auto) deployment is done on GitHub workflow
- I bought this domain from Google back then
- This site uses SendGrid service for emailing
Hi, there. Again.
Now, about me.
I'm Johan Paul. You can call me Jp. It looks like "Jeep" but without the double e's.
I have a degree in Electrical Engineering with a sub-major in Control Systems. Most students in that field pursued Robotics, but I chose to focus in the Active Noise Control (ANC) laboratory. For my final project, I implemented analog ANC on headphones.
I am a senior web developer and a former lead engineer. At the moment, I'm rediscovering myself by working on projects and conducting research.
The guitar knowledge I got first came from the intensive courses I did, starting when I was in my 5th grade. My sister enrolled me to the Classical Guitar Course back then, Yamaha licensed course.
As time went by and I got older, I developed the habit of trying to translate what I heard into my guitar playing. It's something I still do. When I hear something that catches my interest, I try to replay the notes. It usually starts with humming or whistling, since I don't always have my guitar with me.
I taught guitar class from mid 2006 to 2012-ish. Classical, Acoustic Pop and Electric Guitar classes. Performed at places too with or without a band.
For some reason, I also play other musical instruments besides guitar. I guess it's because I just really enjoy music.
Anyway, Mike Post's music is my favorite.
From an early age, I've liked drawing cartoons, or just drawing in general, as you can see from the characters I've included here.
Chess is my amateur interest, it's something I enjoy and practice regularly, but not at a professional level. Thanks to Lichess, I can watch games, study and broaden my knowledge about it.
The last, but not least, I am a fan of ChatGPT and !
Well, that's a brief about me, Jp. Thank you for reading my typing. You're awesome! Woolooloo...